As "Joffrey" points out (and as Ned, who likes "Joffrey" this time, notes while leafing through the royal records), that phrase can just as easily apply to the Lannisters as it does to the Baratheons, himself more so because "his" maternal grandparents were cousins. "The seed is strong" argument is thoroughly deconstructed.A few Cold Opening phrases are borrowed from a book entitled The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister.Probably one of the reasons why they get along so well. Dead Fic: Sadly, despite a litany of output before, this hasn't been updated in over 4 years.Furthermore, multiple copies of the will are made making any attempts to discredit or destroy it impossible. Not only does he makes Ned, whose incorruptible, reasonable and honorable, the Lord Regent and de facto ruler of Westeros before Octavian is old enough to rule, but he also has Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard made the witness of the writing of the will so no one can accuse the will as fake since Selmy is very honorable, trusted and well respected in Westeros, and to call him a liar will cause serious repercussions to the accuser.

The two flaws in one person would be a recipe for utter disaster even if you hadnt somehow come to erroneously believe you were a master of manipulation.

No mother, the truth is that youre not as smart as you think you are and you also lack the self-awareness to realise how badly your emotions cloud your judgement.